I need to change a dead bulb on the passenger side of the car, but I%26#039;m a little nervous about accessing that part.
I took out that black panel on the right http://www.familycar.com/roadtests/VolkswagenJetta/Images2005/Trunk.jpg, managed to peel back a little of the felt interior from the rubber that lines the trunk, and undid three of the plastic fasteners that kept the felt in place from the inside.
I can see the panel where I need to change the bulb, but I need to peel the felt back a little more to access it. That%26#039;s where I%26#039;m having a little trouble. I can%26#039;t find any more points to pull back the interior easily and I%26#039;m afraid I%26#039;ll rip something. Is it just necessary at this point to pull it back with all I%26#039;ve got? Anything I need to worry about or is it okay if I kinda manhandle it?|||try pushing on the threaded bolts that you took the fasteners off of...if you have unscrewed all the plastic fasteners, the tail light assembly should push out the back of the car....DON%26#039;T DROP IT. Then you can change the bulb.
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