Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How do you change a brake light switch on a Daewoo?

It's a 2002 Daewoo Leganza, automatic w/cruise control. I have the part and don't want to pay $40-$70 in labor to get it fixed. The problem is, I know nothing about cars! Please help. Thanks!
How do you change a brake light switch on a Daewoo?
1. Sell Daewoo

2. Buy new car with brake light switch in tact.

3. Never say %26quot;Daewoo%26quot; again.
How do you change a brake light switch on a Daewoo?
If your talking about a brake light in the dash board I would recommend going to a shop. Most of all the panels need to be taken off, and it is possible the the dash itself needs to come out to get to the light. Unless you now someone near you who has done something of that nature I would recommend going to a shop.
I would ask a friend who works on cars to check it out...should be relatively easy if the part is located on the brake pedal assembly. I'm no Daewoo expert though...
The brake light switch is usually screwed to the bulkhead in front of the brake pedal. Just poke your head up under at the pedals and you should see how when you press the brake pedal this switch is pushed. A couple of screws is all that holds it in.
personally since daewoo went under in the auto business i would get rid of the car asap befor something does go wrong with it and its just going to be more headaches. we had a daewoo come into the shop and it took me 4 days just to locate brake rotors for the stupid thing then another week to ship them from god know wheres overseas to wisconsin

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